Thursday, November 21, 2013

queen of story time.

one of my very favorite activities during the week is story time.
we go every Thursday,
and I've been feeling a little brave and taking both of the babies on Monday, too.

its so fun to watch Eleanor interact with other toddlers her age.
she is in a bit of a kissing phase, so I do try to deter that a little.
{I don't want to!! But I know not every parent wants baby germs spread}

we do the same 5-6 songs at the beginning.
Eleanor's favorite is the popcorn song, where at the end she "POPS"
and I throw her in the air.
then there are bells to shake, a parachute to stand over and sometimes bubbles to pop.

We usually stay a little bit after its over and I just let her run around,
and recently, she has started going through the tunnels.
{and by that I mean going in halfway and just sitting}

Its such a great program that the library puts on.
Plus it seems like all the mommy and me classes are in Bentonville,
and it doesn't work for us to drive 45 minutes away.

So here a few pics from our storytime adventures:

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Halloween 2013

Somebody's not monkeying around about Halloween!
We managed to stretch the festivities out for a full week, and wore a costume on 4 different occasions.

Although our original costumes were Thing 1 & 2 with Kap as the Cat in the Hat,
Jase still hadn't made it back from out of town by the time we were planning on trick or treating.
So, to our backup costume we went: a liddle baby monkey.

Eric cleaned out the wagon, and set Ellie up with a sweet ride.
Body pillow and blankets, comfiest ride in town.
Too bad it didn't even last a full block before we all took turns carrying her ;)

We hit up a couple of neighborhoods,
and Eleanor had no idea what was going on
but she loved being out and about.
And the sucker she got when we made it back to Grandma's wasn't too bad either.

But the real star of the night was ERIC.
He was hilarious.
At one house, they went up to a door with Kap, the people gave Kap some candy and were shutting the door (but had missed Ellie's bag) so Eric held out the bag and said, "Can you say Trick or Treat for me Ellie" LOL.
And on the way back, there was a house with lights on that we didn't get on the way, so he and Kap went up to it (WITHOUT ELLIE!) and got candy,  while Eric told them I have a baby, she's over there.
Oh my gosh.
We made it back to moms and they dumped out the candy and shared and traded.
The two biggest kids!

Was a fun night, and we can't wait for next year when Eleanor will be old enough to say Trick or Treat and walk up to doors with her cousins!