Wednesday, December 11, 2013

14 Month Update

I'm behind on my monthly updates, but here are some fun things that Eleanor does at this stage.

She backs her self up to sit on my lap.

Finally starting to give kisses when she's asked! She leans in, open mouthed like a shark for a kiss. And then makes the smack sound when she pulls away.

I tell her to "brings it to mama'' (a baby, a ball, my phone across the room- haha) and she is so proud of herself when she does!

'Dah' (more) after every round of "The More We Get Together"

She pulls out her pacifier with her tiny hand over the entire paci.

Goes to the pantry and stands in front of it saying more, more.

She reaches her little hands through the dog gate to pet the dogs. Or throw her toys in there for them to play with eat.

She tells them to HUSH every time they bark or whine.. which has carried over to telling PEOPLE to hush- including a little boy we were seated by at a restaurant the other day, every time he made a noise or cried!!

She hugs her baby, and kisses (licks) her and feeds her the bottle.

She's completely quiet when new people are around, but says HI as soon as they walk away.

When we count to 3, we say 1.... 2..... and then she puts both hands above her hands and says eeeeeee!

Loves to do in and out. A few pens and an empty apple juice bottle kept her entertained for days.

When she poots, she immediately laughs and looks around to see if anybody heard her. If we did and we laugh too, she will seriously stand there and try to do it again (and again!!)
LOVES baths. She will stand at the bathtub while I'm running the water and bounce up and down, she's in such a hurry!
Not all roses around here though, fits are more and more often. If she doesn't get fed fast enough, held when she wants, looked at the wrong way.. Wear me out, little girl!

She is such a good eater, and I can't think of anything that she will turn down. But right now, her favorites are green beans and mandarin oranges.
Things You Say: Hush, nuh uh, dah (more), dad, hi, hello (when she has a phone), hi jase, night night, eieio, row row row, mama, ... I know there are more I just can't think of!
Things You Do: Say 'ssssss' when we ask what a snake says, look up and point when we say where's the light, feed and love your baby, "wink" with both eyes, high five, lay down and say night night when you see a pillow or blanket on the floor, lay your head on my lap and rub my arms or legs and say night night, blows kisses- complete with the smack sound