Well Eleanor Kate, I don't think I could love you any more than I do.
But then I wake up. And I do.
We had such a good week together, and I only had to work 2 1/2 days this week, so we spent a lot of time smiling and cuddling.
Usually you are such a good sleeper and sleep 5-6 hours straight at night and wake up at 5:30 or 6:00am. But 3 nights this week we woke up at 3:45 and 4:00am. Luckily you just ate and dozed off pretty quickly, but I'm not sure if you were super hungry or just tricking me so you could lay in the big bed. ;)
We laid in bed and I just talked and sang and made funny faces and you would smile. Melt my heart. So I would do it again. Anything to get those smiles! You are such a happy baby. You really only cry when you are hungry or want to be picked up.
On Wednesday, Britney texted me that she and Viv read you a book and you sat really still and looked at the pictures. So Saturday morning, you and Dad sat on the couch and he read you a Dr. Suess book and Amelia Bedelia (I love that one). It was so sweet!
You also had your first Thanksgiving. No turkey or dressing for you, but you did get to wear a pretty cute turkey shirt and see a lot of family. I don't know that you got laid down even one time, there were so many people who wanted to hold you. Lucky girl!
You are quite the little wiggle worm. When you lay down on the floor, your arms and legs never stop moving. We love to ask you where you are going, and thankfully it's nowhere just yet. Add to this that you make the sweetest (and sometimes shrillest) sounds, and it is quite a show you put on there Bells.
Such a great week, and I think it's safe to say my favorite one so far.