Sunday, January 13, 2013

Coming Home Outfit

My mom and I looked for Ellie's coming home outfit before we ever knew she was a girl.

I knew I wanted something sweet, old fashioned looking or smocked.
Something she could pass down to her own daughter.

And so we looked and found this sweet floral smocked dress that was everything I was looking for.

When we went to the hospital, Eric hung it up on one of the cabinets so we could look at it. It reminded me of how soon she would be here and wearing that sweet dress.

But then, the NICU happened. And we were in the hospital for 6 days before all the cords were off and we got to go home. We were so relieved to leave the hospital, that we just left you in the pajamas you were wearing. I'm sad to say I can't even remember which ones they were.

And so it has just set in her closet because it's been too cold to wear.

Today, I got it out and took some pictures because I know too soon you won't fit in it. Funny though, at 3 months it fits you perfect.

{These were at the end of our photo shoot, so she were getting kind of tired. But I'm still glad we got something to remember this "coming home outfit."}

Hey mom, lets wrap this up.

1 comment:

  1. She looks just like imagined her in it ---- sugar & spice & everything nice.... she is so beautiful
