Sunday, April 21, 2013

Color Run 2013.

The Happiest 5k on Earth;)

We got up bright and early Saturday morning and headed down to the race...
we were actually the last wave of runners to go,
but I thought it worked out well.

After the first color station, we quickly learned how to get the most color!
I got blasted in the face at the orange station & a man gave Kap an extra big blast of powder at the blue.
Ellie stayed in the stroller and we just covered her up with a blanket at each station.


Clean up was harder than I was expecting!
We had already checked out of the hotel, so we went to Sadie's dorm to shower.
I had paint inbetween my toes and in my armpits.
We scrubbed and scrubbed and still had color left!

Tulsa weekend.

on Friday afternoon, we loaded up and headed to tulsa.
i waited until the last minute to pack (of course) so after work i was mad dashing around trying to throw clothes in a bag and find my shoes and decide if ellie needed long or short sleeves (and ended up packing her entire closet.)
Thank God for Eric b/c he had the diaper bag ready to go & loaded up the jogging stroller and helped me so much!
we picked up Kappy & headed off on Ellie's first mini road trip/girls weekend!
i should note that when kapriel got in the car,
she made fun of me for having the:
1. gps
2. printed directions
3. and mapquest app.
my partners didn't last too long:

we had dinner and fro yo with Sadie and then headed back to the hotel for some rest because on Saturday, we were going to do:

Sunday, April 14, 2013

happy birthday kapriel!

kapriel turned 11 friday.
be still my beating heart.

we had a low key bonfire with smores.
dances on the deck stage.
freeze tag in the yard.
singing happy birthday twice b/c someone forgot to record it the first time.

11 years went so fast.
we know she's approaching the age where she will be too cool for us,
so we are just soaking it in while we can.

happy birthday kapriel. we love you!


Little late, but our week through Instagram pictures!
 1. Last week as a 10 year old!
2. She kills me.
3. Making Bubba cry
4. Then consoling him!
1. Buds
2. Sushi date
3. Birthday Lunch
4. Party in Elle's Crib
 1-3 Birthday party for Jaxen
1-3 Swinging at Uncle's house

Thursday, April 11, 2013


Happy Easter!
Family Time.
Best Easter basket from Grandma.
Think her first Easter wasn't too shabby.


Wednesday, April 10, 2013

bon fire.

Easter night, we decided to use the fire pit in our backyard for the first time.
Actually, Eric texted me and said he had bought stuff for s'mores.
And I proceeded to invite the rest of the family, not realizing he meant just for us.
So another trip to the store & a mad dash of picking up around the house,
 a party was born.

Great weather. Great company. Delicious smores.

It was the perfect ending to Ellie's first Easter. I love holidays and any reason to celebrate with my family, but it's so much more awesome when you have a child!

Love those little freckles!

Tuesday, April 9, 2013


i think our front porch is going to be one happening place this summer.

with the hint of warmish weather we've been having,
Eric has started dragging the bouncer out and sitting Eleanor in it.
She LOVES to watch the cars go by and he says she just bounces like a maniac.

Saturday, I came home from class and we squeezed in a little picnic and bouncing session before Ellie and I had to rush off to a birthday party.

this is a little something i can get used to. :)

Friday, April 5, 2013

6 months.

-Size 2 Diapers
-Formula/ Some Solids
3-6 clothing, Some 6mont
Sleeps 7-8 hours at night

Tried more baby food- green beans, sweet potatoes. You still haven't figured out the whole tongue/swallow thing, so alot is still just being pushed back out. I think this month we are going to really take the time to be consistent and sit you down every night for some solids. You will catch on in no time, smart girl!
You are a mix of serious and silly. Sometimes no matter what I try, you just look at me like, "I'm not impressed." Your face is so serious and you just sit and observe. And a lot of times, you are so funny. You smile when people talk to you, laugh when we chomp your thighs and screech when you lay on the floor.

You are getting so good at reaching for things and picking them up! It's pretty funny that you can sometimes figure out how to get your paci back in your mouth, but you don't know to let go of it, so you just pull it right back out when you move your hand. And the cycle begins again. :) You also like to reach out and touch people's faces. It's very sweet. Until you pinch.
Back to Belly Rollover!! We knew this one was coming because you have been THISCLOSE with the body contortions. You have finally figured out how to make it all the way over, but sometimes your bottom arm still gets stuck under your body.
Sitting- You haven't quite mastered sitting up, but you can manage to make it a  minute or two before sliding into the gorilla sit or toppling.

You went to your first birthday party for your friends Luke & Levi. I waited until the last minuteYou were so good and even let me eat your cupcake for you.
Not A Fan Of:
Bathtime. When you get in the bathtub, you are so serious. You sit down and start kicking your legs and splashing the water. You don't mind if water gets on your face when I'm rinsing your hair and sometimes I just let you sit and kick before getting you out.
Your Dad.- I've said this a million time but he can just make your whole face light up.
Crinkly Sounds- So funny, but sometimes when you are being kind of fussy- I will just hand you this plastic/stiff bag that some hairbows came in. It makes the BEST crinkly sounds. You will play with it for such a long time. Grandma bought you an elephant with the crinkly paper in it, which is probably much more appropriate.
Watching the cars go by- We will stand in front of the glass door and let you watch the cars go by. You follow them with your eyes and your whole head. Over and over. I love when it works out that when you get to one side, a new car comes by the opposite direction and you can just follow it back.

Playing with your toys. More specifically, trying to get them in your mouth.
Pictures From Our Month: