Monday, March 25, 2013


Our week in Instagram pictures:
 She is THISCLOSE to sitting up by herself!
 Wrapping gifts for her first birthday party attendance!

 Too Cool for School
Green baby! 

Sunday, March 17, 2013


Happy St. Patrick's Day from our little leprechaun!!
She's our lucky charm for sure:)

Friday, March 15, 2013


Our week in Instagram pictures 3/9/13-3/15/13
 1. Matching cousin shirts
2. Lifesize Lolli
3. Oh? What's that you say mom? ;)
4. Guess who picked out Ellie's outfit
 1. Dad's babysitting day
 1.2.3. New dress I made! LOVE:)
1. Determining the Spring fashions

Sunday, March 10, 2013

something new.

ellie kate has discovered something new.
her tongue.
my friend lindsey said her son has two prospects, ellie and another little girl.
i told her to tell kelton that ellie gives frenchies.
we win.

Saturday, March 9, 2013


Our week in Instagram pictures
 1 & 2- Elle's favorite new toy
3. My #1 nerd girl
 1&2 Playtime
1&2 1st Spring walk

dad's girl.

i saw this quote online the other day.
and i don't think it could be more true for me.
when your dad walks in the room, your eyes light up.
when you are sitting in his lap, you just look up and stare at him.
he makes you bottles. and moves you from the piano to the bouncer to the couch when you are done with the former.
he walks you around and around the house when you are restless.
y'all are the best of friends.
it's too sweet.

i love you and your dad, sweet girl.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

one year.


How long have you been together?

K: 6 years last November
E: 6 years.
Where was your first kiss?

K: Smokey Bones back room?
E: Scott & Allison's house on Oaklawn Street.
Who first said, "I love you"?
E: Kyla did.
What is her most commonly used phrase?
K: What do you think?
E: Will you get me..
Who would be her celebrity BFF?
K: Khloe Kardashian
E: Khloe Kardashian
Who is her celebrity crush?
K: Gerard Butler (or Jeffrey Dean Morgan)
E: The guy from that one movie.. Gerard Butler

If she was ordering drinks for both of you what would you each get?

K: Water for me and Dr. Pepper for Eric
E: Kyla will have a water and I'll have Dr. Pepper.

What is your favorite memory of this first year together?
K: Eleanor being born.
E: The first time we met Eleanor.
What is the worst meal she has ever cooked you?
K I can't think of one... probably b/c I don't cook.
E: You know what wasn't very good was a sourdough ranch pull bread.
(I remember that... and agree!)
What would she say is your most annoying habit?
K Too slow to get ready.
E: I don't know.
What is the last thing she would say you do before you go to bed?
K: Take out his contacts.
E: Take out my contacts.
What would you say is your favorite thing about her?
K:Eyes or when I get tickled
E: Your eyes and your hiney.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

fresh meat, week 3.

sunday was my third week of fresh meat boot camp.
and the hardest.

i thought to myself at least a thousand times, i cannot take one more step.
i cannot stand up one more minute.

the derby stance is like doing a wall sit... for an hour and a half.
eventually my thighs were like jello.
it was hard for me to stay upright, much less in derby stance.

and my lower back. using muscles that haven't been used in years.
i guess trying to balance yourself on 4 wheels will do that.

but it was also one of the most fun.
while the main group was reviewing for the MSRs, we got a crash course in all the stuff they were doing.

like a knee fall. and a 180 knee fall. and a rockstar fall.
we skated the 25 laps in 5 minutes. (i got 18.. so. hard. with jello legs)
i've made some friends, got out of my comfort zone & tried something new.
the veterans are so helpful and friendly.
i think this can be my thing. ;)

Tuesday, March 5, 2013


Saturday was kap's last basketball game of the season, so we filled up her cheering section!
and she played so hard too.  I can't wait to see how she improves as she gets older.
 Kap & her Gigi

 these two are going to be trouble next year when they can walk:)


I love any excuse to get together with my family!
Especially a chance to show Kap how much we love her, since she can feel a little left out with the two littles.

Monday, March 4, 2013

5 months.

 Weight and  Inches

-Size 2 Diapers
-Mostly Formula, Some Nursing
3-6 clothing,
Sleeps 7-8 hours at night

First rice cereal (&squash&applesauce)
Holding onto toys
2 bottom teeth
Threw first BIG fit (I had to left you at Grandma's house one night to run pick up some shoes & apparently you screamed and kicked your feet for 20 minutes straight!)

Not A Fan Of:
-daytime naps. poor dad.

-Footie Pajamas
- You have started noticing the dogs. You sit on our laps and watch them roll around on the ground and chase each other. You haven't shown any interest in touching them, but Chuy shows an interest in licking your face.
-I love walking around with you on my hip, and your heads peeks over my shoulder. And I put your other arm around my neck like you are hugging me. Sweet, cuddly girl.
-A couple of wekends ago, we cleaned out your closet and bins and put away all of the 0-3 month clothing that was left. The 3-6 month outfits were moved to the top of the closet and the 6-9 was taken out of the tubs and put on the bottom tier of the closet. It was sad, yet exciting.
Some pictures from our month: