Friday, February 21, 2014

Dress Up

For a couple of weeks, EK's new thing has been a toddler variety of dress up! She bring me a vest or one of her coats (or usually both) and wears them around the house. 
Add a twirly skirt and a head band and voila! Dress up!
And it's not a 20-30 minute thing, she wears this all day and night until I have to take them off for nap or bed. 
Sometimes her layers are so thick that it's hard for her to bend over and move well!! :) I just love this new development and watching her grow! Being a girl mom is the best.

Eleanor's Fashion Tip:
Take any base (pajamas, leggings, jeans)
Add a fur coat (preferably the leopard one)
Throw on a vest 
Toss a twirly skirt on to dance to while the hot dog song is on
Plus a headband or hat
And Presto! Toddler diva fashion is born!

Friday, February 14, 2014

Happy Valentine's Day!

Happy Valentine's Day from our little sweetheart!!!

Sunday, February 2, 2014


Last weekend Kap spent the night and we had to run to Joanne's to pick up some fabric for a bench that I'm covering.
We found this flannel fox material and decided to make matching pajama shorts for her and EK.
I hadn't even touched my machine since before Christmas so when Eleanor went down for a nap, we got to cutting.

After getting them sewn together I had both of them try on before I hemmed and put elastic in... and they were both too small. Neither one could barely fit them over their thighs. Whaaaat. 
So bummed.
I don't know if it's because I haven't worked with flannel before or I'm just that out of practice, but we are going to have to try again!

On Monday I gathered up some scraps and made this E pillow for Ellie to go with her owl pillow. 
She and Jase helped me by getting stuffing out of the basket and putting it on the floor for me to go around and pick up.
Oh to have such good helpers. ;)

Now I have a K pillow started for Kap and a new knot dress for Ellie started.
It feels good to be making something again.