Thursday, May 16, 2013

7 Months.

-Size 2 Diapers
-Formula/ Some Solids
6-9 month clothing
Sleeps 7-8 hours at night
You are such a great eater! You especially love carrots and veggies right now. Not really digging the applesauce the last few times. You will sit in your high chair and grunt or make noise to let me know you are ready for another bite andwhatistakingsolong! We have tried some more textured stuff, and you will chew (& chew & chew) but get gagged trying to swallow. So, we are sticking with the more pureed foods.

You are getting so good at giving me "kisses". Not that you know what you are doing, but you will put both of your hands in my hair and lean your face up to mine with a huge open mouth. Sometimes when you get my cheek instead of my mouth, you will just put your tongue on my cheek and lick me.

Roly Poly. We lay you on a blanket and the next thing we know you are across the room. Quite the master roller.

Sitting- You are an excellent sitter. You can lean forward and grab things and pull yourself back up. Sometimes when you are laying, you look like you are trying to do crunches because you are trying to sit up on your own. Not quite there, little girl. ;) You also love to hold our hands and stand up. Bouncing up and down or dancing with dad.

Pictures from our month:


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