Saturday, October 13, 2012

Week 1 In Review

Sweet Ellie Belly.

Week 2 has just been settling in to our life as a family of 3.

- Grandma Jeanne has been staying with us from Nevada and will go home on Monday. She likes to hold you and say "beee-youuu-taful" to you over and over.

- Breastfeeding has not come easy to us. You will not latch on straight away and play around or make yourself mad. We switch positions and sides until you finally find something you like. Then nurse for 2 minutes. So we start the cycle all over again. Sometimes we catch you half-smiling, and it makes us laugh. I started pumping so Dad can give you a bottle at night.

-You and Dad are the best of friends! He always wants to hold you and puts you on his chest. He calls it "your spot." He talks to you about baseball and football scores and calls you Belly. I might have a Daddy's girl on my hands.
- You had your first doctor's appointment on Friday. You were back up to your birth weight of 9lb 5oz and 21 inches in length. You pooped on their scale when Dad took you back to get weighed and he had to change you. Then you pooped 2x more times in the room and got it all over the bed. Dad called you a show off.
 They said everything else looked good and we don't have to come back until your 2 month check up.

- Dad had to go back to work Friday night. :( Boo. We enjoyed having him home with us for the past 10 days. And he was sad too, he loves hanging out with you. ;)

- You have received visitors EVERY DAY! Your Aunt Tete, Cousin Kapriel and Grandma & Papaw come almost everyday after work and say hi. You have also met Grandpa Hutchins, Uncle Chance & Brianna, Brian, Anne Marie & Zane, and mom's boss Gayla. Lots of other people call and text mom to ask about you.

- You make the FUNNIEST faces! We all sit around and watch you pucker up your lips, furrow your eyebrows or squinch up your face. Sometimes you peek your eyes open and it looks like you are trying to see if anyone is looking at you. We always are ;)
We love you Ellie Belly!!

1 comment:

  1. Breast feeding was hard for us too, not only from being in the NICU but also sometimes I needed a break so after 6 weeks of pumping I gave up and switched to formula. I wish I could've pumped longer but I was still having health issues, sleep deprived, and just stressed so my supply tanked. I tried all kinds of things to bring it back, nothing helped.

    Love the pics of her and her Daddy!
