Thursday, June 6, 2013

8 months.

-Size 2 Diapers (Until this case runs out, then you are moving on up!)
-Formula & Solids
6-9 month clothing

You still LOVE to eat. You kick your feet and grunt or lean forward when you see your food. If we are at a restaurant, you want to eat off our plates. Last weekend in St. Louis, we gave you some bread, waffles, and mashed potatoes that you really enjoyed. You are doing so well chewing and swallowing, no more gagging! (And honestly, sometimes your chewing is overkill... 10 minutes later) But I don't know that your digestive system was completely ready for all that, so we have eased off again.

Last month I wrote about you giving me open mouth kisses... well this month you would lean in for a kiss and then BITE down on my cheek! Rude! *Also my shoulder, arm or anywhere else* When I told you no, you just stare at me very seriously. Like you are trying to figure out if I'm being serious or not, then you kind of smile. ORNERY!

We are SOVERYCLOSE to having a crawler. If you see something you want, you will find a way to get to it. By rolling, rocking your body back and forth, and putting your top body down but pushing with your legs- you are very mobile. If we put you on all 4s, sometimes you stay there and rock back and forth. Other times you cry.
I took you to the doctor two times this month. The first time, I thought you may have an ear infection but Dr. McCord said they looked great and maybe you are teething. Then the next week, we noticed a bit of white on your tongue.. after a coworker mentioned it and I googled it- we thought you might have thrush. So back in we went & it was confirmed. Now we have to give you meds for 3 weeks and boil your bottle nipples and pacis after every use.
We had our 1st weekend away from each other & I will tell you that I was babysick in a bad way! I went to a girls weekend in Hot Springs & was sad the whole time. I spent a lot of my time texting Eric and my parents to check on Ellie & get updates and pictures. Guess I just wasn't ready for all that!
You went on your first road trip to Saint Louis, which is 5-6 hours away. I did end up sitting with you the whole way there *and back* but man you were SO good! I'll do a seperate post on St. Louis but some of the things we did: Giants game, rode a merry go round, went to some thrift stores, visited the arch, visited Grants Farm, and ate the world's best BBQ (claimed by Eric).

Pictures from our month:


1 comment:

  1. Such great pics!!! Time flies when they're that little. RE: yellow headband-no idea where I got it! I think it was in a hand-me down box.
