Monday, July 29, 2013


Lions, Tigers & Bears
Oh My!
Or more accurately,
Deer, Emus and Zebras
Oh my!

We took a trip to the Gentry Safari yesterday
to add a little adventure to our Sunday.
You and Jase just LOVED getting to ride out of the carseats
and were hanging out the windows like little puppies.

It was so funny to watch you,
because you have absolutely no fear!
You were reaching your hands out the windows
and would even yell when we pulled away from the animals to keep driving.

Only one close call with a frisky zebra,
and lots of screaming and frantically rolling up our windows
when an emu came racing for the car.
Because those things are evil!


  1. This is my first time to your blog. Where is this?? I can't believe you touched a zebra!! And the picture of your daughter and the piglet, so freakin cute!

    1. Thank you so much! It's the Gentry Safari and Wilderness in Gentry, Arkansas.
