Sunday, August 4, 2013

10 months.

-Size 3 Diapers
-Formula & Solids
9-12 month clothing

6 teeth have poked through. 2 on the bottom and 4 on the top. (And those 2 front top ones are B-I-G)

You can stand up without holding onto anything for a few seconds (maybe like 10, 20).

You can (and do repeatedly) say UH OH. It's the sweetest thing, even after the 20394th time in a row.

We will tell you to give a kiss and you lean in with your little mouth open. Be still my beating heart.

Feeding yourself- you can pick up certain foods and actually get them into your mouth. It's pretty comical when you don't get it all the way in there so you have your whole hand shoved against your mouth trying to push it back in.

When you hear the garage door (me) or front door (dad) open and shut you get SO EXCITED that someone is coming in! When I'm walking through the kitchen I can hear you squealing and laughing. When Dad comes in you clap your hands and smile so.big!
Went to your 1st Rodeo!
First time at the Gentry Safari, where you got to pet a zebra!
First trip to the Aquarium.
First pigtails!
Eating.  You eat solids 3 times a day now. Usually fruit or baby yogurt for breakfast, a veggie for lunch and then a "meal" for dinner. When you know it's time to eat, you get so excited and usually do a bit of grunting. You also eat whatever we are eating too. You like chicken, green beans and pancakes!

Mama. You are all about me this month and it is really starting to hurt Dad's feelings! Anytime I go to hand you off, you always cling to me. When I go out of a room, you cry and try to follow. It's pretty sweet and also, (truthfully) a little annoying. But Eric did remind me that I used to hate when she only wanted him so I better appreciate it before her affections change again. ;)

Dropping something on the ground and saying uh oh! and when someone picks it up and hands it to you, you do it all over again. Same as last month but now you have added an uh oh into the mix to add to the cuteness factor.

Crawling down the hallway to your puppy brother's gate and rattling it.

Drinking water out of a cup or water bottle. Your little tongue gets in the way and after you swallow (what little) water was in your mouth, you lean forward and open your mouth for some more.

Diaper & Clothes Changes. You are a MANIAC! You will twist and turn and cry and do anything to avoid getting a new diaper on or a clean outfit.

Going to the gym nursery. You lasted the whole hour the first time but the lady told me you had been crying quite a bit. The next time I brought you, they had to come get me from my step class (thankyoubabyellie!!) and we just left. Definitely going to need an alternative.
Pictures from this month:


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