Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Christmas Eve, Part 1

On Saturday night before Christmas, you started sounds a little stuffy in your nose. Same thing on Sunday when you woke up so I made you a dr.'s appointment for first thing Monday morning. She checked you out and said you had upper respitory congestion and gave us some saline drops to put in your nose to break up the mucus. (You weighed 12.75 pounds!)

(Watching Mom get ready)
Christmas Eve we went to Mom & Dad's house for our annual game night and dinner. We had soups, cornbread and desserts. This year we decided to go simple and only get the children presents and on Christmas Eve they each got to "open" one. Ellie was not feeling well the whole night, and even had her first dose of Tylenol ever. She and Jase got activity mats with pianos at the end. She LOVED looking at herself in the mirror. ;)


Gifts from all of us to my parents. The littles were just 4 weeks old in those pictures!
Eric's early birthday present from my parents.


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