Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Week 10- Miss Personality

The past two days you have started your day by just talking and cooing in your crib. I was in the dining room pumping and could just hear you talking and screeching and being so sweet. When I got done, I met you dad in the hallway on the way to your room and he asked me if I could hear you. He had been laying in bed listening to you over the monitor. Such a sweet sound to wake up to!

Your personality is just coming alive! You smile and raise your eyebrows and do a silent laugh. Your new favorite thing is sticking out that tongue. You just work it ALL the time. I had read online that at this age you will start mimicking facial expressions so I'll sit you up and smile and stick my tongue out at you. Guess that one stuck.

I probably don't have to write down that you are a talker. My goodness. And sometimes you do the highest pitch shrillest scream that stops us in our tracks. But you sure think it's funny :)

You still hate tummy time. You haven't rolled over again and get instantly fussy when laid down on your tummy.

You have started noticing your cousin Jase a little bit when you guys are laying on a blanket. Pretty soon you guys will be interacting and I can't wait for it.

You still love bathtime and have just discovered splashing. Even though it's such a mess, I just love it. I sent a video to Grandma and she called you a little mermaid.

I still have to sit out your outfit for the day before I leave to work or dad will have you in some crazy outfit. Like a halloween shirt in December. Or a newborn onesie on an almost 3 month old who came out at 9 pounds.

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