Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Week 13


We had a pretty laid back week.

I was off on Monday and Tuesday for the New Years. We just lazed about the house with Dad in our jammies.

On Wednesday, Grandma had the day off from work so you went over there and hung out all day. You guys did crafts together and watched Judge Judy (she said it's to make you smart) and played with Jase.

But the biggest thing that happened this week is you had your first bottle of formula (besides when you were in the NICU). I have not been able to keep up with your appetite, and we have gone through almost all of our bags from the freezer. I've picked up an extra pump, some days 2, and am barely just getting by. I'm going to continue to pump and give you all that I can, but we will start supplementing with formula.

It's been kind of upsetting, but I'm trying to remember it's not the end of the world. I'm just thankful you are healthy and happy and we were able to exclusively breastfeed for the first 3 months.

You have the sweetest smile.

As much as you dislike tummy time, you stayed up on the boppy for probably 5 minutes or so. Good job sister!

You are getting a little mullet!

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